Project Date

May 2021


Amenity, Senior Living


Café/Break Room, Accessories & Decor, Lounge

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Project Details
Client: Evergreen REG
Location: Chicago, IL
A&D Partner: Strong Design, LLC
GC Partner: Leopardo Companies

The Story

Ravenswood Senior Living is on the site of the former Ravenswood Hospital located on the north side of Chicago. This redeveloped location offers nine floors of affordable senior housing, including Independent living and Supportive Living, in a desirable and walkable neighborhood. The building offers 193 rentable units and several amenity spaces including dining areas, activity spaces, lounge areas and staff offices. Furnishings include products from Falcon, Group LaCasse, Kellex, National Office Furniture, Custom Crafters, and H Contract, among others. We enjoyed working with Strong Design and Evergreen Real Estate Group on this project.