Project Date

April 2019


Real Estate, Corporate


Café/Break Room, Collaboration, Lounge

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Project Details
Client: Griffin Capital Company
Location: Columbus, OH
Space: 9000 sqft
A&D Partner: M+A Architects
GC Partner: Ruscilli Construction
Manufacturing Partner: Teknion, Enwork, Crow Works, Gus Modern

The Story

Lakehurst Innovation Campus, which is located in Columbus, Ohio, has opened its doors for for new tenants and workers. The new owners, Griffin Captial Co., have taken this opportunity to create a flexible working environment with this vast and open space.

The new, amenity-rich space features flexible working areas and collaboration spaces meant to provide an inviting experience for all. M+A architects had the vision to build a town center feel to the campus, including new dining options, a fitness center, and an open work area.