Project Date

December 2017


Legal, Corporate


Desks & Casegoods, Lounge, Meeting & Conference, Reception

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Project Details
Client: Cozen O’Connor
Location: Chicago, IL
Space: 40000 sqft
A&D Partner: GREC
GC Partner: Leopardo Construction
Manufacturing Partner: Nienkamper, Teknion, HumanScale

The Story

For more than 45 years, Cozen O’Connor has been leading their clients to success. When they came to Office Revolution needing an office update, we knew that their successes needed to be reflected throughout their new space. 

The project began with the task of moving the team to two different floors in their building so that we could update their current space. With much teamwork, we were able to seamlessly complete this and it was well worth the time, as their final office turned out beautifully. The space is furnished with Nienkamper Custom Furniture, Teknion Workstations, and HumanScale Seating. Because Office Revolution was involved in the entire project from inception to completion, we were able to provide them with the exact product they wanted in each of their spaces.