News - Apr 20, 2020

Earth Week with Chicago Gateway Green

In honor of #EarthDay this week, we have partnered with Chicago Gateway Green to provide you with a week of content highlighting how we can give back to our environment and Mother Earth. 

How to Keep Respecting Mother Earth

We’re wrapping up our Earth Week with tips on how to continue respecting Mother Earth and the environment.

Bringing Earth Inside

A very easy way to bring some life to your home (literally!) is to incorporate greenery into your space. Today, we’re giving you some simple tips and tricks on indoor plants in your house.

Ways to Celebrate Earth Day 2020

1. Download the app iNaturalist to help you identify trees on your street or in your local park.

2. If trees aren’t your thing, see if you can tell which birds are singing nearby.

3. Or pick up trash while you get some exercise on your walk. Just don’t forget your mask, gloves, and a sturdy garbage bag.

4. Plant pollinators in your backyard. You can shop for specific seeds that will thrive in Chicago.

5. Watch (or re-watch) Our Planet on Netflix.

6. Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with NASA.

7. Haven’t been much of a plant parent in the past? Here are some easier plants to take care of in your home for beginners.

8. Start an at-home compost bin from your food scraps.

9. Have a picnic! Whether it’s just on your driveway, in the backyard or on your living room floor, grab a blanket, some yummy food, and enjoy!

10. Make crafts from recycled materials.

Recycling 101

Did you know that you’re actually not supposed to put your recyclables in a plastic bag before putting them in the bin? Or that cans must be dry before recycling? In this post, we provide a number of tips and tricks to keep in mind when recycling to help our environment.